Monday, October 03, 2005

关于IBM, ISSC和Belle Wong

『职场天地』 [企业管理]关于IBM, ISSC和Belle Wong,我不得不说的话。

作者:stateart 提交日期:2005-7-3 13:57:00

对于在IBM ISSC发生的事,大家可能并不了解,简单介绍如下:
  ISSC多数员工在外高桥办公,少数管理层则在金贸。近日,管理层以客户要求为名,将公司上下班的班车发车时间分别提前15分钟和推迟30分钟。特别是下班班车6:15PM发车,给许多员工带来不便。于是,有某些员工在网上散发对ISSC管理层,特别是对管理者Belle Wong个人的不满。
  我无意评判公司这一举措以及某些员工反应的对错。但是,我认为,让我一个局外人也无法容忍的,是Belle Wong致WK(ISSC HR manager)的邮件。此件附于其后,供大家参考。
  在过去的日子里,我听说过种种对员工不尊重的例子。比如,深圳的一间工厂,以狼狗守门,防止打工妹出去。打工妹的同乡,男友若翻墙而入求一见,则放狗追而咬之。可是,今天,我更感觉震惊!对员工的粗暴对待,竟然会发生在IBM, AN INDUSTRY LEADER!请务必看看Ms.Wong的邮件,其间的粗俗与傲慢,让人无法置信竟是出自IBM的一个高层!
  1。我会同时将此信件内容,在力所能及的范围内,发送至IBM及IBM CHINA高级管理层;
  3。如有TX认为我反应过激或不妥,也欢迎指出。但是,不夸张地说,Belle Wong的邮件内容是一个挑战,不仅仅是对IBM价值观的挑战,也是对人权价值的挑战。同时,也是对民主文明的进步社会的一个挑战!

作者:stateart 回复日期:2005-7-3 13:57:54 
  Dear ISSC guys,
  I am not with either IBM China or ISSC. However, I accidentally got a chance to see Belle Wong's message to ISSC employees, and of course, got the chance to learn how terrible situations you guys are facing. What a shame!!! I mean, how could Ms. Wong, an IBM leader, use so insolent language in a message to ISSC employees! I believe it's a strong offence to IBM's values. How could she talks like a king or queen, without showing respects to her IBM fellows? It's a discrimination against human rights.
  I have been with several multi-national companies in the past ten years, and to be honest, it's a shock for me to see Ms. Wong's message - it destroys not only her image, but also IBM's. How could she treat you guys, the most valuable company assets, like ragtag, or slaves?
  Regardless of the arguments on shuttle bus schedule (On this case, I would say it's very common for companies located in WGQ open from 9am to 5:30 pm - it's a local standard, and ISSC should follow it to maintain company's competitive position), I assume Ms. Wong's notes is enough - it's the time for you to stand up and raise your voice. I am appealing you guys to forward her message to higher IBM management team, to IBM China CEO, to IBM global executive team. Speak it out, and take actions, it's time to protect your human rights, and IBM values!
  Best Regards.
  An IBM customer

作者:stateart 回复日期:2005-7-3 13:59:41 
  Belle Wong给WK的邮件,供参考
  Thanks, very amusing, they obviously are a bunch of friends that have gathered see the time stamp and use company resources at around mid day and put the similar comments together,
  Have you sent out my message about game playing and non work related internet use during physical presence in IBM's workplace? and use of IBM resources means instant dismisal? Please send the massage out now. The use of sending message like this using company time and resource is not ACCEPTABLE to me. If they wish to play any further they will all be sacked for the misuse of company resources. They maybe at lunch time , but they can get out and dream about the greener pastures and the gym and swimming pools in the open WGQ, but not using the company resources to get onto the website and criticise IBM, ISSC, I will terminate their employment instantly. I dont want anyone in our company whose heart is already somewhere else and whose mouth is already so bias. I will be in WGQ every Wednesday and will walk around the 2 buildings and if I catch anyone accessing the internet doing rubbish like this or playing games or watching movies as I mentioned to you last time, then the staff will be dismissed instantly and they can not say that I have not warned them, as I have spoken with you 2 weeks ago and asked you to send the message out then.
  I will have my ways to deal with these spoil brats .
  I will sack in 10s and hundreds if I have to if they dare to bad mouth the company, they have a choice and they are welcome to leave NOW.
  I have spoken with some ISSC AMS staff about the Bus schedule time table change, and WK guess what , they said it is about time that ISSC is changing its image to more professional and more customer oriented and true services company now, moving to staring work 9AM and finishing work at 6PM which is something they have not been fulfilled in the past and feeling very very ashame of. Now they will be like other prfessionals.
  Lets not be blind sided by some ignorant minority and think that we have a problem when we dont.
  Belle Wong
  ISSC AMS GR Delivery Executive
  Phone 86 21 6100 8511
  SH Mobile 1365 184 0390
  Personal Assistance Nancy Fang
  Phone 86 21 6100 8298

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